Writing & Press
Recent Writing
“Where the Language Changes,” Granta
“A moratorium on fishing for chinook salmon,” CBC Radio and “The Disappearing Chinook,” CBC, with Olivia Ebertz
“Beginnings,” in Going to See: 30 Writers on Nature, Inspiration, and the World of Barry Lopez
“Amid salmon crash, Alaska's Yukon River residents say a new pact with Canada leaves them behind,” with Olivia Ebertz, Northern Journal
“Kings in Check,” Edible Alaska
“A Major Climate Force Has Been Ignored for Decades,” The Atlantic
“Postcards from the Floating Coast,” The Essay, BBC Radio 3
“Yukon Salmon Populations Are Falling. The Cultural Damage is Vast” with Olivia Ebertz, Washington Post
“Five Myths about the Arctic” Washington Post
“On Mistaking Whales” Granta
“Living in the Bones” Emergence Magazine
“Arctic Horror is Having a Comeback” The Atlantic
“The Empty Space Where Normal Once Lived” The Atlantic
“The Reindeer at the End of the World” Emergence Magazine
“Turn and Live with Animals” Aeon
“When the Soviet Union Freed the Arctic from Capitalist Slavery” The New Yorker
“On the Uses of History for Staying Alive” The Point
“The Reindeer at the End of the World” from Emergence Magazine is a selection for the 2021 Best American Travel Writing
More Writing
“Mothering in Bad Weather” with Peggy O’Donnell, Orion Magazine
“Footprints of Extraction” Hakai Magazine
“The Power of Fear in the Thawing Arctic” The Atlantic
“The Dissolution” Emergence Magazine
“Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Drilling is Next Chapter in Long History of Plundering Arctic Resources” The Boston Globe
“Chernobyl Reminds Us of the Tragic Cost of Lies” The Boston Globe
“How the Warming Arctic is Creating a Worldwide Transformation" The Boston Globe
“Past Underfoot” The Point
“The Empty Space Where Normal Once Lived” from The Atlantic is a selection for the 2021 Best American Science and Nature Writing
Selected Floating Coast Coverage
The New York Times, The New York Review of Books, NPR, LitHub, High Country News, Nature, Science Magazine, Brown Alumni Magazine
Podcasts & Interviews
Radio France, Détroit de Béring, les baleines et les phoques ont de l’énergie à revendre
CBC Radio Sunday Magazine, Covid & Climate Change
The Dig Radio: Arctic Energy Frontiers
Coffee & Quaq: Episode 11 Exploring Floating Coast
When We Talk About Animals: Episode 28
The Road to Now: Episode #153: Floating Coast
New Books Network: interview with Steven Seegel
Edge Effects: Arctic Ecology Then and Now
49 Writers: Active Voice Podcast
Cultures of Energy: Podcast Episode #199
BBC When Greeks Flew Kites: Consider the Walrus
This is Hell Radio: Live Interview from the Arctic